Telling the Stories of Commons webinar

Art and Energy’s Naomi was recently asked to speak at the Telling the Stories of Commons webinar hosted by Foundation for Common Land.

Naomi talks about our work on Dartmoor using art and creativity to inspire habitat restoration and actions for a brighter greener future. This How to Bury the Giant work on Harford Moor and wider Dartmoor areas has evolved in include our new mass participation artwork The Mossy Carpet.

With commoning and commons under pressure as never before, and poorly understood by the public and policymakers alike, there has never been a more important time to reach out to a wider audience. Commoners, farmers, landowners, and artists spoke about how and why they have been using arts, education, and events, to tell the story of commons.

Speakers include:

The Dawsons, Bleak Bank Farm

Will Dracup, Shallowford Farm

Landowner, John Howell and Chair of Harford and Ugborough Commoners, David Sadler, in conversation with Artist Naomi Wright, Art and Energy

Rob and Harriet Fraser, Somewhere Nowhere

Watch the full webinar via the link above - you can watch Naomi from 47 minutes onwards and visit for more webinars from Foundation for Common Land.


The Mossy Carpet Crowdfunder!


Glasgow Botanic Gardens welcomes us home